Time to talk
Our free befriending service aims to reduce the feelings of loneliness and isolation which can result from the challenges of farming and living in rural areas. Our aim is to make a positive difference to people’s lives.

What we do
If you, or someone you know, is in need of a little extra help, we offer friendship and support. We’ll introduce you to a volunteer with similar interests, then arrange for them to visit you regularly on a one-to-one basis. You might just enjoy a chat and a cup of tea, or perhaps go to a local event or go on a short trip together, building a lasting friendship. Their local knowledge will help to keep you engaged with the community around you.
Would you like to volunteer?
We are looking for volunteers to provide companionship and friendship on a regular basis. Even one hour every fortnight will make a positive difference to someone in your community.
To help you, we will provide training and ongoing support. Our coordinator will be available to answer any queries you might have. Reasonable expenses for travel will be paid.

To talk with us about the service, or volunteering, please call/text on 07777 168 857 or email donna@thefarminglifecentre.org.uk