We work with farmers and their families to help create more resilient communities and businesses. All of our advice is free, impartial and confidential.
Practical business support available through The Farming Life Centre:
- Basic book keeping advice
- Grant application problem solving
- Guidance on livestock record keeping
- Support in preparation for audits
- Signposting to external support agencies
- Farm visits and 1:1 support available on request
For more information or to make an appointment please call 01629 810903 or email info@thefarminglifecentre.org.uk.
Business Resources:
Business Planning
Farms with a written business plan are much more likely to be successful than those without one. A good business plan will help your farming enterprise to grow and help you to identify stumbling blocks before they arise. Why not take a look at our Whole Farm Business Plan Template and start making plans for your farm? For support in putting your plan down on paper please get in touch. Click here to visit the Business Planning section of our website.
Many farms in the Peak District and surrounding area have opted to diversify their businesses to help introduce and extra stream of income to their existing revenue and no doubt many more have considered the possibility of exploring a new project. Click here for a few ideas of potential ways to make this work for you.
The Agricultural Transition Plan
The Agricultural Transition Plan sets out the changes the Government intends to make to agricultural policy in England from 1 January 2021. It also covers what these changes will mean for farmers and land managers. For support in getting to grips with how this will affect you and your business take a look here or get in touch with the Farming Life Centre for more information.
Grant funding
This section of our website will provide you with links to some funding options currently available for rural businesses. For free support with accessing any of the grant schemes listed below please get in touch. Click here to explore our grant funding information.
Here at the Farming Life Centre we host regular events including workshops, social activities and online webinars via Zoom or Teams. To catch up on some of our previous online information sharing sessions visit the Webinars section of our website.
A-Zero Jargon Busting
A farmers guide to breaking free from environmental jargon
Follow this link to open the leaflet: A-Zero: A farmers guide to breaking free from environmental jargon – full of information and jargon busting explanations to help you keep up to speed with environmental definitions.