What’s on

What’s on at The Farming Life Centre



Farm for the Future Spring Programme

Update July 2024 : Our 2024-2025 Cohort 3 is now open. Sign up here.

For more information contact Alice on 07904691457 or email alice@thefarminglifecentre.org.uk


Rural Social Groups

Our rural social groups continue to prove popular and offer a welcome opportunity for communities to come together.

Where are our social groups?

  • Hartington which meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month
  • Boylestone meets monthly on the fourth Thursday
  • Ashford in the Water which meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month from 1pm-3pm at Ashford Memorial Institute

See programmes for dates by checking out our Rural Socal Group page – click HERE.

Our rural social groups offer lively meetings of rural residents including a number of retired and semi-retired farmers and family members who meet for tea and a chat with meals out and speakers thrown in for good measure.  We welcome all new members.  Contact Rachel Metcalfe at the Bakewell office for more details: 01629 810903.


Farming Life Centre Walks Programme

A gentle afternoon walk, monthly on a Thursday. Meet at 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start. All walks are relatively flat and take between 60 and 90 minutes with the opportunity for refreshments and a good chat afterwards – everyone welcome
Walk Leaders: Pauline Bramley, Kay Allinson and John Thomas.

Our walks are short and ‘Easy’ but may involve some stiles or ascents/descents over a short distance. They have been chosen to ensure we are on good surfaces for walking whatever the weather – everyone welcome! However, in the event of extreme weather conditions, please contact Pauline on 07538 785666 to confirm the walk is going ahead.

Please wear sturdy footwear and clothing to suit the weather conditions.  For any further information contact: Pauline Bramley 07538 785666. Browse our Walks Programme by clicking HERE.
