The Farming Life Centre is here to help Peak District farmers and rural residents at times of difficulty by providing information and support. There is lots of information on our Health and Wellbeing signposting page covering a range of health related issues.
Rural people affected by ill-health and long term conditions
The Macmillan Rural Health Outreach Service is here for you and for your carers, family and friends. It is coordinated by Rachel Metcalfe . You can talk in confidence to Rachel , who is there to listen to your worries and concerns. Many people find that by simply talking through their situation they are able to discover new and better ways of coping.
Please clink here for more information about this programme of support.
Walking for Health Group
If you’re looking to increase your levels of physical activity our Walking for Health Group might be for you! To find out more simply click here!
Rural Social Groups
Our regular Rural Social Groups are a great way to meet new people, socialise, and enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of cake whilst listening to a range of excellent speakers. They take place regularly at locations throughout the Peak District. Click here to find out more.
Farm Fire Safety
During our Farm Fire Safety Day at Bakewell Agricultural Business Centre we had a busy day at market sharing fire safety messages with support from colleagues at the Derbyshire Fire Rescue Service. They are also available to provide safe and well checks for over 65s on request.